Aug 30, 2014

All in Christ

Anyone who’s gone to school knows about the scientific method. While the scientific method is mainly used in, as you can probably guess… science, we can use this method in many…
Anyone who’s gone to school knows about the scientific method. While the scientific method is mainly used in, as you can probably guess… science, we can use this method in many different aspects of our life.

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Aug 01, 2014

Jealousy & Envy

What do Jealousy and envy look like? Jealousy and envy are two words with very similar meanings. I like how Rory explains it in the chapter. “Envy occurs over something you w…
Are you jealous or envious of someone? How do we deal with that? Is there a way to rid yourself of those thoughts?

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Jul 25, 2014

Responding to Grace

This week I’m helping out with the worship for a church camp. Growing up I went to church camp every year and it reminded me a lot of my own church camp experiences. For every…
What does it mean to live by God’s Grace? Are we living by cheap grace or are we truly responding to God given grace?

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